Sunday 6 October 2013

Personal Reflection

21st Century Learning 
Learning in the 21st century is a combination of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.  But really, what does this mean?  21st century learning is about questioning things that are interesting to us.  It is about using the materials around us, the bark on a tree and the bugs on the grass.  It is about learning how to work with a variety of people in the school and “community”, and learning how to work in different roles, as a leader and team player.  It is about solving a variety of problems, and learning about different perspectives.  Finally, it is being able to express oneself in a variety of ways, through music, writing, sculpture, etc.  Above all this, I believe that 21st century learning is the preparation to be a social, responsible citizen, of a local and global community

Where does technology fit into this?  There is no denying that technology plays an important role in 21st century learning.  Students can now find the information they need (and some they don’t) in an instant.  Navigating through this technology can be both exciting and intimidating.   It is important as educators to incorporate technology as a tool for learning.  21st century learning is not about having the latest and greatest technology, but about being creative with the technology that is available to you. 

So where to start?  Teaching students about digital citizenship may be a good place.  

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