Monday 25 November 2013

LEGO Christmas Tree



Our class constructed a LEGO Christmas tree. 
Here is how we did it...

First, we made a plan.

Next, we made a model using big LEGO blocks.
We sorted the blocks...
...a pile for bigger blocks,
and a pile for smaller blocks.
Our tree looks more like
a space shuttle.
We talked about how Christmas trees
are usually wider at the bottom
and narrower at the top.

Then, we partnered up with our buddy to make models using the little LEGO blocks.

We can work together!
Here are the Christmas trees we made!

We made one more model using the big LEGO blocks.  

Wider at the bottom.
Narrow at the top.
Here is our final model.

Finally, we used a variety of boxes to make our LEGO Christmas tree.

We sounded out the word LEGO.

We counted how many boxes we used
to make our LEGO Christmas tree.
We used 17!

We talked about the 2-D and 3-D
shapes that we could see when we
looked at the tree.  Squares,
rectangles, triangles, cone,
pyramid, cube, rectangular prism. 

1 comment:

  1. Tis the season to be jolly! What great work in planning, counting, sorting, painting, labelling, building and celebrating the Christmas season!
